IP2RX - Software

Software application for the conversion of SIA-IP protocols to other reporting formats

IP interfacing software between intrusion control panels and alarm receiving centres

The IP2RX is an advanced software application which allows and traditional alarm receiving centre (ARC) to receive IP communications from Inim intrusion control panels.

This innovative software application transforms traditional ARCs (using PSTN landlines) into IP-capable ARCs.

The application can be installed on either a dedicated computer or on the computer which runs the ARC supervisory software.

In brief, the IP2RX software application is capable of translating SIA-IP protocol, sent by Inim control panels via SmartLAN/SI, SmartLAN/G and Nexus/G devices, into a comprehensible protocol for ARC supervisory software.

The simplicity of this application makes it a flexible and cost-efficient tool for the supervision of all installations and, moreover, allows you to avoid spending on obsolete yet very costly receivers.

The IP2RX is an advanced software application which allows and traditional alarm receiving centre (ARC) to receive IP communications from Inim intrusion control panels.

This innovative software application transforms traditional ARCs (using PSTN landlines) into IP-capable ARCs.

The application can be installed on either a dedicated computer or on the computer which runs the ARC supervisory software.

The IP2RX is capable of receiving Inim generated SIA-IP signals transmitted over the Internet, and of converting them into comprehensible protocol signals for supervisory software, such as Ademco, Contact-ID, Radionics, etc. In this way, the alarm receiving centre will be able to continue using the same supervisory software which, thanks to the IP2RX application, will also be able to receive signals transmitted over the Internet.

The IP2RX allows you to create a list of supervised systems (Accounts) and to configure the typical parameters of each one, for example, the supervision time of the functionality test on the connection between the SmartLiving system and the ARC. Furthermore, you can establish which channels each account will use to transmit data: LAN (SmartLAN/SI or SmartLAN/G) or the GPRS channel (Nexus/G). It is also possible to receive data from both communication channels.

The IP2RX is also capable of detecting Internet connection errors and of signalling them instantly to the ARC supervisory software, in such a way as to prompt immediate intervention for the restoral of connectivity. Additionally, the IP2RX allows you to create a customized outgoing protocol. This feature allows the IP2RX to be easily integrated into ARCs with proprietary protocols.

In brief, the IP2RX software application is capable of translating SIA-IP protocol, sent by Inim control panels via SmartLAN/SI, SmartLAN/G and Nexus/G devices, into a comprehensible protocol for ARC supervisory software.

The simplicity of this application makes it a flexible and cost-efficient tool for the supervision of all installations and, moreover, allows you to avoid spending on obsolete yet very costly receivers.

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