Previdia/STUDIO - Software

Programming and management software for Previdia series control panels

The Previdia/STUDIO configuration and control software is an indispensable tool for the commissioning and maintenance of Previdia series control panels. Simple and easy to use, it allows you to quickly and effectively adjust the operating parameters of each individual element of the system, define the activation logics and configure the various system components. Capable of operating both at individual control panel and network level, it makes use of a graphic interface designed to be used also on touch screen devices. The software is completed with effective diagnostic functions that allow accurate fault searches and the adjustment of the various intervention thresholds. Equally as effective are the reporting functions which allow, starting from the data automatically collected by the control panel, the creation of complete reports in compliance with current legislation. The software also manages a database that can collect and store the data of each completed installation including, for each customer, reports of all maintenance and tests carried out on the system. The Previdia/STUDIO software is capable of connecting to the system via RS232, USB or TCP/IP connection or Cloud, and runs in Windows operating systems.

BACNET Licence

BACnet is a building-automation-network communication protocol developed by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers). BACnet, as a result of its versatility and flexibility, is now extensively used as a standard communication protocol between devices and building-automation systems made by various manufacturers. The BACnet protocol is implemented on the IFMLAN module for the Previdia Max control panels, its use is subject to licensing. Each license allows you to manage 500 points, to manage a greater number of points you must purchase more than one license. For ‘point’ we intend all those single objects that can be supervised through the BACnet protocol: Loop Devices, Zones, Inputs, Outputs, etc.

Order codes

PRALICBAC: BACnet License for 500 Points. 

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